Course curriculum

  • 1

    I’d Click That™

  • 2

    Clicker Training, where we start

  • 3

    Week One

    • Impulse Control

    • Settling in the house

    • Targeting

    • Name Game

    • Recall

    • Week One Take Aways

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    Week Two

    • Impulse Control Week 2

    • Week Two of Hand Targeting

    • Settling in the house week 2

    • Recall week 2

    • Name Game Week Two

    • Week 2 Take aways

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    Week Three

    • Week 3 of Impulse Control

    • Week 3 Settling in the house

    • Week 3 of Targeting

    • Week 3 of Recall

    • Week 3 Take away

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    Week Four

    • Week 4 of Impulse Control

    • Week 4 of Settling in the house

    • Week 4 of Targeting

    • Week 4 of Recall

    • Ending Notes

    • Understand your dog's natural tendencies

    • Final Quiz

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    Bonus Material! Take your Foundational Skills even further!

    • Taking your dog places

    • Waiting at doors

    • Settling under a Table

    • Settling under a table part 2

    • Engage and Disengage Game

    • Considerations for taking your dog to work or out and about